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Newest Releases

  • January 26, 2002 - Download the New HU Unlook Code HUFix7F5C
  • January 26, 2002 - New Xcube v2.6 Beta Fix
  • January 26, 2002 - Majestic H31 and H30 are in our download section for the Virgin H cards.
  • January 25, 2002 - New Boot Strap Fix download it now in our download section - DSS101.0125.bin.
  • January 23, 2002 - New Dishnet Autoroll in our Autoroll section that fixes the Autoroll problem - Nawapoc3rc2 and NawapoFE.
  • January 21, 2002 - New KalynaEmu48.1 is out for emulation. Tweakcor4.81 and Tweakcor4.82 are also out for Tweaking your emulation core file for your correct timezones etc. for emulation.
  • January 20, 2002 - We if you programmed your BS H Card with version 1.17 make sure to reprogram it with 1.17b.  Word is out that 1.17 of the Boot Strap Fix could write to your card and that the H card only has 500,000 writes to the eprom before it gets killed. 
  • January 19, 2002 - Here is the emulation fix and tested to work.  Software password needed is pgmrulez
  • January 19, 2002 - Here is the Emulation Fix tested to work.  Download it here EMUBootDisk.exe.  Simply select writing to floppy option.
  • January 19, 2002 - Updated verison of SLE44 v36.0 to fix the current emulation hash. Download it now
  • January 18, 2002 - New Kalyna Tweak core file.
  • January 18, 2002 - New Emulation Fix called Zedulation.exe.  Have yet to test this one.
  • January 18, 2002 - Here is the emulation fix for hashing that does not seem to work as I'm still seeing freezing.  Kalyna Emu Disk Maker works with 5th Gen receivers as well. Software password needed is pgmrulez
  • January 18, 2002 - Here is the Boot Strap Fix that is currently working.  I don't suspect it will last long but get it for the weekend.  Follow the instructions for writing the cards carefully as you must select the 1-4Gen or 5th Gen Receivers  Please vote for our site if you use this file.  Thanks
  • January 18, 2002 - Well the Emulation fix EBD3567a did not last very long as freezing has been seen today at approximately noon CST.  We hope to get another good working copy here later today.
  • January 16, 2002 - New Emulation Disk fix for freezing EBD3567a
  • January 16, 2002 - New Boot Strap Fix get it in our download section in the Good folder. 
  • January 14, 2002 - New Update to SLE44 v35.10 download it now
  • January 14, 2002 - New KalynaEmu47 now out of beta.  
  • January 12, 2002 - Emulation fixes for KalynaEmu47beta and Emulation Fixes for Pitou Floppy Version 159 also available for download here.
  • January 12, 2002 - Here is the fix for Emulation.  Simply copy files to a formatted floppy with the System Files option (On a Windows 9X Computer from the command prompt type C:>FORMAT A: /S) then extract these files to the floppy
  • January 11, 2002 - Well Boot Straps have been freezing for the last 3 days and today Emulation seems to be freezing.  We are working on a fix that will work more than one day.  We will post the information and downloads to Emulation and Boot straps when we get them.  Should be later tonight after we do some extensive testing.
  • January 2, 2002 - Some new Dishnet files out in the last few days get them in our download sections.  
  • December 26, 2001 - Utility to test your emulation is here.  Download it here
  • December 24, 2001 - Numerous HU 3M's are out today just in time for Christmas!  You can download them all here - Xmas_3M, Vader3M, TestSatHUPro.  As always use at your own risk.
  • December 24, 2001 - Numerous New Emulation fixes are also out.  These open all the channels up again and incorporate SLE44 v3.4 KalynaEmu45.
  • December 24, 2001 - Another package that creates the floppy and software for Emulation  opening all channels  for both H (SLE44v3.4) and HU Emulation using the new Cmaster v0.55 C23RT-EmuV5   
  • December 23, 2001 - Pitou 158 Builds Diskette and Pitou 158 Floppy
  • December 23, 2001 - New release of SLE44 version 3.4 for Emulation.
  • December 23, 2001 - Numerous new releases of KalynaEmu44a, KalynaEmu44b, KalynaEmu44c for Emulation.
  • December 22, 2001 - Here is the most current version now out of Beta for emulation. Emulation fix is KalynaEmu44
  • December 22, 2001 - Here is an Emulation update currently in Beta KalynaEmu44Beta
  • December 21, 2001 - Fix for the BS H Card 1000K.
  • December 20, 2001 - Fix for emulation SLE44 v3.301.  Call us for the complete disk that works!  Cost is only $30.00 and we can email it to you.
  • December 20, 2001 - We are currently testing a Boot Strap H Bin and will post more information here on our success or failure with the bin.
  • December 20, 2001 - There are two files out that are fixes for the H card.  One small problem,  they are only for Virgin H cards.  Patriot-67W is a Winexplorer script and BoscoAct67 is a Basic H IMG file.  Hope to see a Boot Strap fix soon.
  • December 19, 2001 - Get into the serial port of you DTV unit.  Download here.
  • December 18, 2001 - Here is the update for Extreme HU 1.73 download it now.
  • December 18, 2001 - Here is the fix for the H card hash
  • December 16, 2001 - Here are numerous other fixes for the Extension 711.  As always use with caution -  dec14fix, merryxmas, noclone711fix
  • December 15, 2001 - Twilightact or FrankenH - These contain an activation that integrates a h card cam and zkt to get around the 711 nag. This file is only valid for 4th gen or older irds. Also is an activation file based on a subbed 5b HU. Will work in all irds.
  • December 13, 2001 - Extension 711Fix Required for Activation 1.5.  Add it first and then run ExtremeAct 1.5
  • December 6, 2001 - New Beta ActBeatle software worth a try.
  • December 5, 2001 - DSS Stealth Pro HU Script
  • December 1, 2001 - New Fix for DTV HU Activation.  Download - HUFIX.hex or sign up for our private code which has not gone down for over 3 months at a cost of $50.00 with 3 month warranty.  
  • November 17, 2001 - We have another Activation code that seems to be good.  Feel free to down it here - BextremeAct
  • November 14, 2001 - What we know that works are private bins and the following activation and 3M files.   ExtremeAct v1.5, NewEraActv2 and DssTechPro3b
  • November 8, 2001 - HU Emulation is available please call us for help in getting the parts you need to set it up.
  • November 1, 2001HU Extreme 1.72 Update
  • November 1, 2001 - SammyFix (Fix for October 29th)
  • November 1, 2001 - New Era 2.3f Fix for October 29th Hashing
  • June 6, 2001   - HU Extreme 1.6 Full
  • June 5, 2001   - Winexplorer 4.6  Added features for HU Cards
  • June 5, 2001   - Autocombo How to make a Unlooper / Reader for Black Sunday Cards
  • June 5, 2001   - Emulation Auto Setup Disk
  • June 1, 2001   - Turbo Unlooper 1.1 - Windows Unlooper for H Cards and Black Sunday H Cards 
  • May 20, 2001 - How to Fix a Winked RCA Receiver.  Better to update your Core File on your diskette call us for details and download instructions.



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