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Daily Report
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Daily Report

  • January 21, 2002 - New KalynaEmu48.1 is out for emulation. Tweakcor4.81 and Tweakcor4.82 are also out for Tweaking your emulation core file for your correct timezones etc. for emulation.
  • January 20, 2002 - We if you programmed your BS H Card with version 1.17 make sure to reprogram it with 1.17b.  Word is out that 1.17 of the Boot Strap Fix could write to your card and that the H card only has 500,000 writes to the eprom before it gets killed. 
  • January 19, 2002 - Here is the emulation fix and tested to work.  Software password needed is pgmrulez
  • January 19, 2002 - Here is the Emulation Fix tested to work.  Download it here EMUBootDisk.exe.  Simply select writing to floppy option.
  • January 19, 2002 - Updated verison of SLE44 v36.0 to fix the current emulation hash. Download it now
  • January 18, 2002 - New Kalyna Tweak core file.  This is NOT the hash file for emulation
  • January 18, 2002 - New Emulation Fix called Zedulation.exe.  Have yet to try it myself but worth a try at the Emulation fix.
  • January 18, 2002 - Here is the emulation fix but tested and seems to still freeze so hold on.  Kalyna Emu Disk Maker works with 5th Gen receivers as well. Software password needed is pgmrulez
  • January 18, 2002 - Here is the Boot Strap Fix that is currently working.  I don't suspect it will last long but get it for the weekend.  Follow the instructions for writing the cards carefully as you must select the 1-4Gen or 5th Gen Receivers Please vote for our site if you use this file.  Thanks
  • January 18, 2002 - Well the Emulation fix EBD3567a did not last very long as freezing has been seen today at approximately noon CST.  We hope to get another good working copy here later today.  Still have yet to get a good boot strap fix out as well.
  • January 16, 2002 - New Emulation Disk fix for freezing EBD3567a
  • January 16, 2002 - New Boot Strap Fix get it in our download section in the Good folder. 
  • January 15, 2002 - Emulation is freezing again.  Get the fix above or on the emulation link on the left side of this page.
  • January 14, 2002 - New Update to SLE44 v35.10 download it now
  • January 14, 2002 - New KalynaEmu47 now out of beta.  
  • January 12, 2002 - Emulation fix for KalynaEmu47beta and Emulation Fixes for Pitou Floppy Version 159 also available for download here.
  • January 12, 2002 - Here is the fix for Emulation.  Simply copy files to a formatted floppy with the System Files option (On a Windows 9X Computer from the command prompt type C:>FORMAT A: /S) then extract these files to the floppy
  • January 11, 2002 - Well Boot Straps have been freezing for the last 3 days and today Emulation seems to be freezing - No fixes yet.  We are working on a fix that will work more than one day.  We will post the information and downloads to Emulation and Boot straps when we get them.  Should be later tonight after we do some extensive testing.
  • January 7, 2002 - H Boot straps have been freezing no fix yet.
  • December 30, 2001 - As of Dec 27th people with 4th generation receivers will lose all local channels except for those specific to their region. People with 5th generation IRD's will in fact have more channels to choose from as Dave has upped his local channel selection. Not a bad deal, unless you have a 4th generation IRD.
  • December 26, 2001 - Not much new to report other than an new EMU testing utility put up in the downloads section.  I hope Santa was good to everyone!
  • December 24, 2001 - New HU 3M's and emulation software has been added to our download pages.  These packages open all  channels up again.
  • December 22, 2001 - Emulation fix has been put on our download pages.  We will not be returning phone calls or emails until December 29th.  Have a good Christmas Everyone!
  • December 22, 2001 - Well emulation SLE44 v3.301 took a hit again.  There is a new beta in our downloads section worth a try to get some TV over the weekend.  The H BS Bin is now freeware.  You can also download it.  Now that is freeware I don't suspect it will last long.
  • December 21, 2001 - We have the H Boot Strap Fix please call us Toll Free for more information.  Cost for the fix is $20.00
  • December 21, 2001 - We have the fix for Emulation and the H card.  Come by and pick up your emulation diskette for only $30.00.  We have two emulation diskettes for either 5th Generation or 1-4th Generation receivers.  Remember H card emulation cubes are only $425.00 or Computer solutions (P100, reader and emulator) for only $300.00.  Best way currently to protect your investments.
  • December 20, 2001 - We have the fix for the H card with a boot strap!  Call us for the fix.  Cost is only $30.00 a card.
  • December 20, 2001 - Last night DTV tested out an emulation hash. It is in the stream and quite effective. Certain channels are being targeted because if you change the channel to one of those, the IRD writes some bytes to the eeprom and then you get an IVAC until you restart your emulator. All eyes are on PGM as SLE will need a fix to get around this. We will post any updates here.
  • December 20, 2001 - We have a few fixes for Virgin H Cards only that are currently working.  We still don't have a fix for the Boot Strap cards.  You can get them now in our download section.
  • December 19, 2001 - FYI JX3m67plus (H card fix) is now toast. That didn't last to long, not even 24 hours.  All BS H cards are now down.  Emulation still is working please call us we have parts and computers in stock along with the new XCUBE.  Merry Grinchmess everyone!!  
  • December 18, 2001 - We have the fix for the hashing of the H Cards and boot straps.  Download the fix or mail it to us and we can fix it for $25.00.
  • December 17, 2001 - H cards were hashed today as the bad guys up the ante in the aftermath of a bad couple weeks for testers. At approximately 5:51PM CST, a new 60/C9 dynamic hash for the H card was seen in the datastream. This is particularly significant, as no 60/C9 hashing for the H card has been seen in almost 9 months. Systems running emulation got away again unscathed. HU cards using an H cards CAM ID/ZKT also are running for now. The new packets picked up in the H stream are being analyzed now and updates will be rendered shortly.
  • December 15, 2001 - We have the fix to the Call extension 711 message. Download it now!
  • December 14, 2001 - Starting around 12:00pm CST on December 13th people running clones of subscribed cards began to get the 711 message. This seems to be affecting all Activation scripts. It is unknown at this time what is being targeted, but we will update you as things progress here.  For now pull the card until we get the BIG GULP fix!
  • December 13, 2001 - Well DTV did it again and hit the private code at approximately 12:10pm CST.  Download the Extension 711 fix here.
  • December 5, 2001 - Supreme Court of Canada came out with final decision on Bell Expressvu  more information on the verdict of the case.
  • December 3, 2001 - Over the weekend AVR3 boards and Dishnet receivers were hit.  We have the fix for both the receivers and the AVR3 cards.
  • December 2, 2001 - At approximately 12:00CST some activation codes went down.  Our private HU Code did not go down!!  Call us if you want the fix for your HU Card.
  • November 14, 2001 - We have another fix for our customers today as they hit our open code again yesterday.  Not much to say other than we hate to say that the BUY option and activation options are really the only way to go until things slow down a bit at DTV.  
  • November 7, 2001 - Well, it was only a matter of time. Both of our the latest hash fixes have been hit by DTV at around 12:00 CST. At the current time the only thing that is up is activation but you must press BUY to get into the Pay Per View (PPV) Channels.  All cards that we've programmed all appear o.k. even though there was some reports of black screens and a cable signal going across some.
  • November 2, 2001 -  Is your HU Card been looped?  Bring it to us and we can ship it away for the fix or we will buy it off you.
  • November 1, 2001 - HU Fix is now in place with all channels open and up.  Our new website is also off and kick'in!  Hashing still occurring however we have the fix.  Boot straps and H emulation in stock.
  • June 6, 2001 - Getting 745 Errors??  Make sure your computer is at least a 486DX2/50.  Hu Unloopers are to be out today.  Have not heard or seen anything yet.  If someone knows the cure for HU Looping please email us. 
  • May 18, 2001  - HU Emulation really close to working flawlessly.  Best way and recommended way is to protect your HU Card by using Emulation.  Note: Never put a HU Card into a new system to test it as DTV will wink your DTV system onboard eprom (How to Fix it).  This makes it very difficult to get an H Card working with your system using either a boot strap or H emulation.
  • April 24, 2001 - H Emulation and Boot Straps are up.  New website is up and now online.  Boot Straps and Emulators currently in stock see pricing section.



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