The Cycle of the Pollution Problem on Last Mountain Lake

“A layman’s look at the problem”

City of Regina -Releases sewage apparently meeting high environmental standards.

-Regina City Sewage Treatment Plant is undersized for current demand. Has no ability to store or hold back poorly treated sewage.

-No complaints until recent events.

-costly to update Regina sewage plant to current environmental standards.

-Priority of spending tax money on upgrading major infrastructure projects such as sewage control management is not before council.

- Hopes it will go away in time on its own.


Sask Water -has allowed a blanket approval for Regina to release sewage into Wascana creek

-Does not monitor the content of the sewage tainted water close enough and allows it flow into the creek and diverted into Last Mountain Lake at whim.

-Does not consult with the public and inform to the nature of water being released into the lake.

-operations are political and closed to public scrutiny and decision making processes.

-Hopes it will go away on its own.


Environment -has allowed a blanket approval for Regina to release sewage into Wascana creek.

-failed to re-assess the inadequate size and poor quality of water leaving the Regina Sewage Treatment Plant

-trusts Sask Water will report and make recommendations if changes are needed.

-does not apply modern pollution guidelines and apply insightful planning into the long-term pollution problem

- looks for small offenders as the source of pollution in lakes.

-Hopes it will go away in its own.


Fisheries - This is only the Enforcement arm of fish and wildlife and follows the rules set out by the government. Does not question the political motives and operations of Sask Water and the Environment.


The General Public -Believes government is effectively managing sewage issues and protecting the public and environment.

-No user friendly process to collectively record complaints and concerns.

-Apathy of the public.


Property owners  -Believes the government is honest and prudent in protecting the Lake users lake and will take immediate steps to fix problems.


The Provincial Government -Oversees the operations and expects Sask water and the environment to effectively do their job.

-Fails to give effective leadership and guidance on the matter.

- Fails to take responsibility for the problem.

-Will go way if you don’t make it an issue.


Large scale problem -No big picture planning is being implemented.

-Last Mountain Lakes is becoming polluted by Regina Sewage.

-Lessons of the past are ignored ie. Pollution of the Great Lakes. -Major professional turf issues between government involved.

-No one willing to take responsibility for the problem or solution.

-Recent inquiries point out government culpability to pollution issues and water protection ie Wakerton and North Battleford

-Concerns of who may be liable for current and future damages.

-Hopes that it will go away.


Federal Government - Expectation the Provincial Government will following and adhere to their own regulations and procedures.

- Is sure it will go away as the Provincial Government is handling it.